
Saturday, December 15, 2012

Scrying Glass

I wish I could find my way through the world without running into massive ruts or sadistic people, but that would be like asking everyone to change the way they should treat others... and that aint happening soon. Really, the road I have gone down has been rough to say the last. I have fought personal battles, spiritual and even with others all of which have shown me how the world see's me and who I am really am. Saying that I have never lost any of these conflicts to the point of falling back into the rut I, but I have came close. In some ways I really wish I could have changed the or even wish I could see how my future would have turned out if I would have done something different or if something would have worked out differently. But that is not possible, and maybe it is for a reason because the path I am heading down is best for me and all others that I have tried to travel down have re-directed me back to the road I am currently on. 
For me, planning ahead and goals are the only incentive I need to get stuff done otherwise if I would not have any, I know I would not do anything and end up in a pinch. But that trait is (for me at least) hard to find in someone else. Pretty well everyone who I have met and am friends with as far as I know only set short-term goals which can be accomplished quite easily unlike long-term which are going to take more commitment and patience to achieve. I really hope I can find someone, someday soon who see's the world in a very similar light as me. But that is like asking to find a needle in a hay stack due to the fact there is 8 billion people. Not that I am saying it is impossible, it is just really difficult. 
Going back to the road I am currently on, it was a bit of a curve of unexpected events that got me to where I am currently. I was original planning on becoming an Architect, but after graduating high school I found that kind of career quite stressful, however I still went to North Island College because I thought I could get right into the field right after graduating. Well, not really... I could yes, but I would be at the very very bottom and no places in Victoria were hiring, great. I also found out how long it would really take to become an Architect - which was completely different from what I was thinking. 
I still went to a community college for three years, taking very interesting and insightful courses and tried to get into university but maybe that did not pan out for that very reason I mentioned earlier.

I also twice I have tried looking for a sailboat. The first one I found in 2009 (Emma Jean a 32' Ketch Day sailer), the picture posted on the sale add showed her in her prime but when I actually seen the boat in person it was in need of a lot of TLC. Recently I did a search to find out what happened to her, to find out she was sold and is back on the water. I kinda wish I could have got her back then, but then again she needed a lot of work, so maybe it was better I did not. The other sailboat I was considering of buying was a 30' Catalina MK1. She had pretty well everything I was looking for, but her sale price was 4 times more than the Emma Jean. I asked me parents to help me purchase the boat but they insisted I should not. In the end I did not get her, like I said before it probably was for a reason. While I was back home before I moved to the states I had The Wooden Boat Magazine and I have also picked up books on boat building... so you know, probably in the future it is best I just buy some plans and build the boat of my dreams. 

With all the changes going on and me acquiring several classic cars to restore after I graduate I really feel this is where I should be. Add the fact I have become a huge enthusiast Hudson vehicles, my goal is to after I graduate save as many of them as I can and of course other classics from the scrap yard or from rusting away. But how many girls are there out there who would not mind getting a little dirty to pull a rusted classic out of the woods that could be restored and either kept or sold? Not very many. 

All I would love to do in the future, once everything has come together is to go traveling on my own yacht and get away from it all. Get away from the rat race of society and be out on the open ocean where all you here is the wind and the waves. But this dream shall not be a decade down the road or more, instead it should be closer to the present. So the trip on the sea would be shorter it would still be enough of a get away to appreciate everything, all the modern amenities we've got and all the beautiful classics we've got instead of complaining of what we do not.

The day will come when I am going to change the world and when it comes I promise to correct all the wrongs. Until then I am going to be working to get to that point. 

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