
Sunday, October 9, 2011

Acquaintances & Friends

I have failed my challenge to myself on the first week of my blog, sorry all. I have too many things, assignments, and projects to get done in such a short amount of time it was bound that something was gonna slip. So my new goal to keep everyone up to date is to post mostly during the week and keep to a minimum of 30-31 posts a month.

Friendship is one of those thing none of us could do without, we need social contact. But in the world today there are so many ways, orders and hierarchies of who we view better than other friends. Its like the value of amity has gone from worth a lot to priceless, since today we can literally dump someone with a click of a button on facebook. So where does this leave us? We could meet someone on Monday, get to know them on Tuesday, hang out on Wednesday, Argue with them on Thursday and Dump them of Friday. Not that, that would ever happen in real live in such short time.

Acquaintances, Friends, Close Friends, True Friends, Best Friends the list goes on and on about how we define who is trusted more than others. The whole idea of organizing people into categorizes isn't new at all, and has been used in the past (i.e. where race comes from in our culture) to define who is superior to those below. However in the case of friendship, it more goes along the lines of Trust (which i shall go into more detail in a later post) and how well we get along with them. The better we get along, the more we trust and the better friends the two people become (as everyone knows). So organizing and ordering has some good things about it, but what about the people we come across who seem nice at first then stab us in our backs?
They are (hopefully) far and few between, since we would learn (hopefully) after running into the first person like that to avoid them until they realize how much they are hurting others. But chances are, those type of people have slipped through our judgment and got into our circles only to wreak havoc before getting kicked out. I would have to say that at least most of the time we cannot avoid these situation because we do not know the person's personality until we become friends with them. So sadly this is unavoidable and bound to happen on numerous occurrences.

On the other extreme... we can come across people we get along with for a bit before it goes sour and we end up blocking them trying to avoid them until a later time. But what does blocking achieve? If the person has crossed you and then blocked you, making it impossible to make up, doesn't that mean it would only get a hell of a lot worse when they try and get back into contact in the future? Most likely, that is if they see it. Any angry, rage, or revenge directed towards a former friends followed by stonewalling is like throwing fuel onto the fire hoping it will burn itself out. It WON'T! It will only grow and burn hotter and stronger, so when you do try and make amends it would be like dealing with an inferno instead of a small fire. But then again everyone is entitled to their own decisions and who they choose to be their friends.

Friendship is just one of those things we all take for granted. Without it we would be lonely and depressed. But in order to have friends you must treat your friends like you want to be treated. 'Cause what you put out in our world is guaranteed to come back to you.

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