
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Trivial Love

I said was gonna write a post with this heading and here it is, same day 'cause i just want to vent about the topic. I hope you like long winded because I plan on giving myself an hour to write this before i call it a night.

Love, as most, well everyone sees it as a 'connection' between two people. But is there really such a thing? Yes Culturally and No biologically. Love (the word) can be seen as a cultural creation to express the feeling we have towards someone we want to mate with. Each cultural and/or religion has adapted it to fit their beliefs and for this reason the line has became extremely blurred. Biologically speaking, we are all hard wired to get down and dirty.

So now the question is... has love done anything good for our society? For that you would have to define good. Love is like the son or daughter of lust and jealousy. You cannot have one without the others, since it is inherent that everyone is jealous in one way or another. Like when you see a hotter nicer looking guy or girl in the mall and you question yourself about your current relationship (not saying that everyone or anyone does that). Lust on the other hand is our hormones going on overdrive and pushing us to find someone to mate with.
Just the thing is, our society has put social barriers to control people in their pursuit of lust, mostly to stop people from assaulting people and  ruining other people's lives. Which is very good to have, yet... then how come we still hear about these things in the news? Its sad to see or hear about people getting raped and then those who commit such an idiotic crime to go to jail. Would sterilization of those who apparently can't respect the rights of others be too far? Probably to most people and Amnesty since it goes against human rights.

Moving on to relationships...
More and more these days people are meeting online plus the fact people are living longer... should this not then mean more happy relationships? Apparently quite the opposite. People are breaking up here and there and frickin' everywhere! Seriously. It does not matter if you are in the western world or developing nations or those just starting to development (maybe not as much). People get together and break up... get together and break up. You get the idea. What has happened to Commitment?  Its like in our digital world commitment has disappeared and has almost become non-existent.  People get together hoping they've met the one only to end up with their heart on floor and their lover taking an axe to it. There are some people however who do meet when they are young and marry for live, which i would definitely call them really lucky. And then there are others who go from relationship to relationship, confused, unsure, and testing the water per say.
We could even drag astrology in here for how it defines everyone and the sign compatibility. I've gotta say it is pretty damn close. Some signs should avoid each other while others who are suppose to be should definitely get together. Surprisingly there are a lot of miss-matched marriages in our world where signs that should never be together, get together and have kids. Now explain to me this, how does a miss-matched judge a good boyfriend or girlfriend when they them self are incompatible? Sadly it is simple... screw over their kids lives.

 Pause for a second... think about the priorities when you are in a relationship. What should come first? First should always be love no doubt about it. IF if anything else supersedes it, then ask yourself, is the relationship i am in now really the one i want to be in 15 years from now? Really does anyone want to be in a relationship when MONEY is the number one priority. Yeah sure it is important, but if it is more important than love, then your relationship is a lie 'cause there is NO love.

Also how come with relationship these days very very few people know who to end it correctly. It seems to be when the shit hits the fan IT HITS THE FAN! The worst ways of breaking a relationship begins by stonewalling your lover and refusing to speak to them. Followed by a text or IM or social media message destroying what love was left. The stupidity of going this route is that you have bombed and emotionally scarred your former lover and the chance of there being friendship at the end of this is zero. All because they will probably feel so hurt they will have to go to their friends and possibly yours for help or advice. Seriously our culture needs to work on how to end things a lot more respectfully.

But if you have made it this far and are planning to get married well, there still a bit more to go. Marriage these days, in some countries is going down all because people don't see it necessary. They would rather be common law instead. The interesting thing is there are so many different types of ceremonies out there for each religion and of course for those people who would rather have their own unique ceremony. So why would someone pass up the opportunity of having a good time with the person they love and make it official? I'll let you think about that...

The few things in this world I wish could change are... the Divorce rate cause it is way too high. I would like to see if we could come up with a free more refined way for people to meet. Also there should be better support networks in for people in relationships regardless if they are long distance or same town. There should be more education about relationships and how to handle getting out of them if need be. And finally people should respect everyone else regardless where they are in the world more.

We gotta Let Love In and throw Hate into the Bin.

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